moving on

moving on ...

Looking over my last posts realise I have called chamois chamoix! Apologies.  Chamois are animals that are mix between deer and goats and are really lovely, chamoix is a place -  it is chamois I was talking about.

Saturday 30th June
Its been a hot day.  Head into Pierre de Bresse for mosquito  repellant supplies and to find an internet cafe.  On the way back it starts to thunder, which  isn’t surprising given the heat then it starts to rain.  Sit in the van in the rain listening to John Martin’s Solid Air  when we hear loud thuds on the roof of the van.  Really loud.  It sounds like branches from trees are falling on the van but it can’t be.  Look out and realise it is hail stones - some as big as golf balls.  It is still warm and it must have been 30 degrees today.  What is going on?  I need a geography student to explain to me what has occurred!

Sunday 1st July
Steady rain.  All day.  Rather like last sunday. Head to the foothills of the Jura mountains.  Stop by a lake on the way over and see what we think is a coypu playing around in the water.  At one point it looked like a mini loch ness monster as it had tail, middle and head out the water. Geoff very impressed with the lake and the birds that were around so may visit again en route from the Jura.  He spent some time in one of the bird hides chatting to a guy from Wolverhampton!  Carried on our journey,  arrived at a campsite west of Champagnole and parked up - with lovely views (through the rain) across the valley. Not much more to say about today!  Spent most of the day in the van either driving or reading my book -’Captain Correlli’s Mandolin’ which I am really enjoying.   

Monday 2nd July
Still raining but not as hard.  Its halfway between mist and drizzle -  as my parents would say its ‘mizzle’.  Go to the limestone pavements around Loule that we have been to before but unfortunately because of the weather no lizards or butterflies to be seen this time.  Then head very excitedly to a place where there are real fossilised dinosaur footprints, from 155 million years ago - the Jurassic period.  Is  that why its called the Jurassic period because of these discoveries in the Jura??  It was great - the information said they were likely to be footprints of diplodocus.  Our boys would have loved this when they were younger - having said that at 19 and 21 they would probably still love it!  We then make our way to spend the night in Baume - les - Messieurs.  It is the  most incredible place.  We are at the bottom of a very steep valley with rocks surrounding us, a waterfall in full flow and a river running through the valley.  Its a bit like how I imagine Rivendell in Lord of the Rings would be, except no elves or hobbits to be seen which is a bit of a shame.  Look forward to exploring a bit more tomorrow (when hopefully the mizzle will have cleared).

Tuesday 3rd July
Clearer day - sun shining.  Geoff up early to record alpine swifts which are calling and displaying around the cliffs. Go for a walk through Baume and a look around the12c monastery which is impressive - there has been some form of religious building on the site since the 9th century.  I’m not surprised though as it is a magical place.  Leave the valley - climbing up in 2nd gear all the way as it is so steep then back to the limestone pavements and meadows.  As its warmer today there are lots of crickets, grasshoppers and butterflies.  Some spectacular brimstones and silver washed fritillaries.  Head back to the lake we stopped at on Sunday to spend the night.  See a whole family of coypu this time - adult and 5 babies who seemed to be just hanging around together in the lake.  Very cute. Geoff out recording late, excited by the purple purple heron and he’s also planning an early start tomorrow.

Wednesday 4th July
Excited today as we are heading into Burgundy to meet up with Patti and Hugh and their family who have rented farmhouses near Avallon (always makes me think of Roxy Music) and have invited us to stay.  Have also invited our boys who are arriving by train from Paris, having travelled on the overnight coach from London.  Have a lovely evening together - great food, wine, conversation and even manage a swim in the pool before the rain starts!



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